Past conferences
Theme: Work Psychology
Ilke Inceoglu: Leadership behaviours and employee health/wellbeing
Rebecca Lawthom: Doing work, community and family differently
Theme: Work Psychology: Shaping the Future
Nelarine Cornelius: Equality, diversity and inclusion in turbulent times: Challenges for theory and practice
Sally Maitlis: Rewriting a life: Making meaning after a work-related trauma
Timothy Judge: The science and practice of leadership: A critical appraisal and a proposed agenda for the future
Kevin Kelloway: Leading to occupational health and safety
Theme: Work and Organisational Psychology: Making a Difference
Rolf Van Dick: A social identity approach to stress in organisations
Gillian Symons: Contemporary technology and working lives
Michael Leiter and Karina Nielsen: Improving wellbeing at work: How can we make our interventions work?
Theme: Work, Wellbeing, Leadership and Performance
Jeroen Geelhoed: Creating value in a usual unusual way
Eduardo Salas: Three decades of team science: Progress and challenges ahead
Susan Murphy: Leadership for today’s organisations: How to avoid putting new wine in old bottles
Michael Frese: New frontiers in entrepreneurship research from a psychological perspective
Theme: Work, Wellbeing and Performance: Thriving in Times of Uncertainty
Gilad Chen: The motivating potential of teams: A systems-based perspective
Jochen Barth, David Carew, Alison McKinna, Mick Hood: Engaging in times of uncertainty
Talya Bauer: A tale of two decades in the making: Socialisation and onboarding
Sharon Parker: What do we know and where to from here? New directions for understanding proactivity at work
Theme: Work, Wellbeing and Performance
Ann Marie Ryan: Work life interference: Filling in some gaps
Arnold Bakker: How engaged employees stay engaged
Gary Johns: Why people don’t go to work and why they go to work ill: A contextual view of absenteeism and presenteeism
Admiral Willcocks: Strategic leadership – A personal perspective
Theme: Work, Wellbeing and Performance: New Perspectives for the Modern Workplace
Sabine Sonnentag: Recovery from job stress
Anat Rafaeli: Anger in the Workplace
Pavica Barr: BT’s transformation to stay ahead of the game
Theme: International Work Psychology Conference
Peter Warr: Life is a Learning Process
James Farr: Reflections on I/O Psychology: A North American Perspective
Michael Frese: Towards an Active Person Concept in Work and Organizational Psychology